Tuesday, March 22, 2011


So I got alot goin on in my head and in my heart and all over...sheesh

I've been tryin to get all my thoughts together and it just wasnt happening.

So this one is gonna be all over the place. Random thoughts and feelings etc.

I know its not the best way to be but I cant help it. When it comes to life in general, my approach is if it doesnt really affect me it doesnt really matter to me. Like the reality shows and the news etc...Now I try to keep up with whats happening in the world. I am emotionally jarred when it comes to war and disasters etc. I pray for the injured and deceased, but all in all, my only true worries are whether my family is ok. When it comes to the reality shows on tv, I am so unimpressed and unmoved. I dont even really watch. Nothing about those shows are anything like MY reality so I cant relate.

I am really troubled about how things work in the world. Simple things and complicated things.
It amazes me that your cell phone company will suspend and cut off service, PEPCO will disconnect service, Car Loan folks will come and get your car if you dont pay. But a person can not pay child support and owe THOUSANDS of dollars and what do they get? a license suspension (who hasnt driven anyway when they either lost it or Lord Help Em its suspended or whatever)? But I do have sympathy for some folks who are on the other side of that situation. I met a dude yesterday that pays $1K a month. FOR A 3 YEAR OLD. That is INSANE...What is that child doing with $1K a month? I barely get 1/2 of that for a 12 year old that eats like a grown man and wears the clothes and shoes of grown woman. I felt really bad for that dude. And he does extra for his child. My childs donor cant even return her phone call. Sad...

My reality is this...I am a single mom trying to make it. And it is HARD being me. If you knew my entire story you would wonder how the hell it is that I have not been admitted to the loony bin. Me and my kids dont have much. We all want for a lot. I love them but they drive me crazy. I like to go out and have fun with my friends. But I stress on a daily basis about EVERYTHING! Where Im going to get the money to pay this bill, those kids, their safety, my sanity, my parents, my friends. When I tell you my heart is HEAVY, trust and believe. You see me and my game face is tight yeah, but there is alot of turmoil goin on with this one.

Even still with all thats going on with me...I always have my arms open for my friends and my family. And lately it seems that my friends have my back more often than my family. I am thankful for it all even though I would love to trade some of that family for a pack of gum, a pair of Nike boots and some chicken wangs, Fries and a Half and Half.

This blog thing is a sort of therapy for me. I appreciate that you all take time out to read it and to respond to it.
 HEY THIS MF DONT HAVE NO SPELLCHECK! and if you know me at all, I am quite anal about grammar etc. So forgive me if there are any errors...I aint got no red pen!!!!

Lata yall! LUV YA!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A funny and A Not So Funny

Metro Mayhem from yesterday...
Gallery Place Station...OMG...FUNKAY!!!!
My FB status said it smelled like the dog pooped under the couch and no one has found it yet.
I dont know about yall, but I cant STAND for strangers to touch me...When you hold on to that damn pole you should NOT touch another persons hand. This sweaty handed bastard kept slidin his hand down and touching me...I let it go 2 times...the 3rd time...you could have lit a bonfire with the look I gave him...so I just let go and prayed for the best. Cuz if he had touched me one more time yall woulda seen me on the news. It was gonna go bad...

On a serious note...

I am really worried for my kids. Not just my kids, yours too. I am worried for their safety, their future.

Last nite, my 15 year old son and his friend were abducted, robbed, strong armed and beaten by some punks. They were walking home from the library which is every bit of 10 minutes down the street. They made my son and his friend get on the ground, then made them get in the car, drove them down the street to another neighborhood while beating them, took their ipods, money, shoes, hats and jackets, then put them out of the car. They walked to a nearby house for help. Thanks to that person who allowed them to use their phone.

Thank God they are safe, but it could have been worse. I been cryin all morning. I could have lost my son. The boys never saw a gun, but the thugs threatened to shoot them.

Our society is going straight to hell. Whats going on with these people that they think it ok to do things like this. All over some cash, shoes, ipods and coats?

The police came to my house and took the report. 1 officer took the initial report, then another officer came, asked for the story again, a 3rd officer came, asked for the story again. They called the station for the detective on duty to come out. He wouldnt come. He wanted the boys to come to the station. He told the officers we were being "uncooperative witness" since we wouldnt come to the station. One of the officers called the station back and told the Detective "this womans child was abducted, robbed and beaten up, in her own neighborhood, she has a 12 year old daughter in the house that needs to be in bed at this hour, IM NOT BRINGING them out of this house to the station. I will document you refused to come debrief them in this report. Yes, I LOVE HIM!!!

Although the world is full of crazies, its good to know there are still some good ones out here. I try to mind my bizness, but I also know sometimes you gotta step out there and help folks out. Those kids said they knocked on 3 doors where they could see people inside and they wouldnt answer their doors. The 4th house was the one that opened the door and let these 2 bloody boys in and let them use their phone. I just got off the phone with the woman of the house. And she was mad that I hadnt called her back last nite to let her know the boys were ok. Picture that!

Sadder still, I was at the store, left my phone at home and my son tried to call me. 4 times. I beat myself up about that all nite. I came home, got the phone and went right back out, looking for him. I had just missed the entire incident by minutes. I feel awful. I cant protect my kids from this madness and I couldnt be there to help my son.

What are we supposed to do to keep our kids and ourselves safe? I didnt think the area where I live is dangerous. But now Im afraid for my daughter that leaves for the school bus after I leave for work and gets home before I get home I am afraid for my son that walks to and from school. Kids cant even go to the library. My heart hurts right now.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Today's thoughts

Im so not focused on anything so here are my random thoughts...
Just a little afternoon giggle...

* Taco Bell is not using real beef in their food...ummm did anyone really think it was??
* I buy snacks and hide them from my kids in my room. I forget they are in there sometimes too.
* How come folks whose breath stink dont know? They CANT know!!!
* There is a homeless lady that is down by my job sometimes...I call her The Screamer...she just walks around screaming at the top of her lungs...rather unnerving.
* Im lookin at myself in the mirror the other day after I got dressed, And I know plenty others that are more so than mine, but ummm My Ass is HUGE...Im gonna design a patch that says WIDE LOAD.
* Walkin at the shoppin center yesterday with my headphones on...dude walkin the opposite direction says something, I got on headphones cant hear, remove one earphone, what? he mumbles something incoherent, Me: Say it again, Him: Can I call you, Me: What, Him: Can I call you; Me: perplexed mean mug...WHAT? Is this how they doin it now, just walkin up and askin can I call you. Sheesh.
* So they letn me go 2 hours early, now Im rushing to get errything done. LOL!
* Last nite, I played hide and please dont seek from this bugaboo for a good 30 minutes, just for the bamma to find me anyway.
* I got a friend that I have reached out to several times to hang out with me with no response...my feelins are hurt but ummm...#singin CeeLo in my head#
* A question Im asked alot that I absolutely hate, "Youre single? whats wrong with you?"
* When I was in elementary school, moms used to make me oatmeal for breakfast. I started to hate oatmeal, so I put it in the vase on the table then would dump it out when I got home from school. Moms tried to beat me when I told her. I just told her recently.
* They letn me go home early, think I'll look for some Metro Mayhem today.

Ok thats it for now.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Beginning...

I think Im funny.
Other folks think Im funny too.
I have been told on several occasions that I should start a blog...
So here it is.
I will thank those that inspired me to do so later. (And no you will NOT be paid for it!) LOL!
I dont know how often I will update yet, but I will keep everyone interested informed.
If you want me to put up something special let me know, I welcome friendly input.
I thought long and hard about it and I decided my blog will be like a diary for me too.
I will share the funnies.
I will share some personal things about my life.

So here and now is the disclaimer...
  • Dont judge me by what I write about.
  • Dont let my subject matter or content change how you see me as a person.
  • Dont let your feelings get in the way of my thoughts. You can agree or disagree. We will agree to disagree.
  • I will not, I REPEAT, support any ARGUEMENTS here. So at anytime, I reserve the right to ask you to STEP OFF! No hard feelings. If there is any negativity, IM gonna be the one bringin it!

So those are the ground rules, which may be edited.

Ok StayTuned.
Love you all.