Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A funny and A Not So Funny

Metro Mayhem from yesterday...
Gallery Place Station...OMG...FUNKAY!!!!
My FB status said it smelled like the dog pooped under the couch and no one has found it yet.
I dont know about yall, but I cant STAND for strangers to touch me...When you hold on to that damn pole you should NOT touch another persons hand. This sweaty handed bastard kept slidin his hand down and touching me...I let it go 2 times...the 3rd could have lit a bonfire with the look I gave I just let go and prayed for the best. Cuz if he had touched me one more time yall woulda seen me on the news. It was gonna go bad...

On a serious note...

I am really worried for my kids. Not just my kids, yours too. I am worried for their safety, their future.

Last nite, my 15 year old son and his friend were abducted, robbed, strong armed and beaten by some punks. They were walking home from the library which is every bit of 10 minutes down the street. They made my son and his friend get on the ground, then made them get in the car, drove them down the street to another neighborhood while beating them, took their ipods, money, shoes, hats and jackets, then put them out of the car. They walked to a nearby house for help. Thanks to that person who allowed them to use their phone.

Thank God they are safe, but it could have been worse. I been cryin all morning. I could have lost my son. The boys never saw a gun, but the thugs threatened to shoot them.

Our society is going straight to hell. Whats going on with these people that they think it ok to do things like this. All over some cash, shoes, ipods and coats?

The police came to my house and took the report. 1 officer took the initial report, then another officer came, asked for the story again, a 3rd officer came, asked for the story again. They called the station for the detective on duty to come out. He wouldnt come. He wanted the boys to come to the station. He told the officers we were being "uncooperative witness" since we wouldnt come to the station. One of the officers called the station back and told the Detective "this womans child was abducted, robbed and beaten up, in her own neighborhood, she has a 12 year old daughter in the house that needs to be in bed at this hour, IM NOT BRINGING them out of this house to the station. I will document you refused to come debrief them in this report. Yes, I LOVE HIM!!!

Although the world is full of crazies, its good to know there are still some good ones out here. I try to mind my bizness, but I also know sometimes you gotta step out there and help folks out. Those kids said they knocked on 3 doors where they could see people inside and they wouldnt answer their doors. The 4th house was the one that opened the door and let these 2 bloody boys in and let them use their phone. I just got off the phone with the woman of the house. And she was mad that I hadnt called her back last nite to let her know the boys were ok. Picture that!

Sadder still, I was at the store, left my phone at home and my son tried to call me. 4 times. I beat myself up about that all nite. I came home, got the phone and went right back out, looking for him. I had just missed the entire incident by minutes. I feel awful. I cant protect my kids from this madness and I couldnt be there to help my son.

What are we supposed to do to keep our kids and ourselves safe? I didnt think the area where I live is dangerous. But now Im afraid for my daughter that leaves for the school bus after I leave for work and gets home before I get home I am afraid for my son that walks to and from school. Kids cant even go to the library. My heart hurts right now.


  1. Nicky I am praying for you, your children and the children of the world. This this the fourth incident that I have heard of involving kids in the past week. My nephew was robbed and jumped and two of the kids from my church were robbed.

    I have no words to express how I feel right now, all I can do and want to do is pray it gets better...

  2. I am so sorry to hear that!! I hope your son and his friend are ok!!! I just don't get kids these days (damn that makes me sound older than 36)! My grandma would've knocked me upside my head if ever acted like these fools do today! Nobody wants to earn things, they just figure they can go rob somebody for what they want.

  3. Nicky my heart is so heavy right now for you, your son and daughter..For the life of me I can not understand why there is so much malice and hatred..Trust in your FAITH What it tells us is true. In the end there is consolation. However our God, it would seem, doesn't always save us from tragedy, but instead eventually redeems tragedy. Jesus didn't save his friend Lazarus from death, he raised him up from death after he had died. In the end, no doubt, "all will be well, and all will be well, and every manner of being will be well", but in the meantime, especially in those moments right after tragedy, senseless accidents, senseless deaths, and senseless loss of all kinds, the consolation and peace of God have to be waited for and we are meant to do that, hand in hand ESPECIALLY in the times we are living in now.
    Love you girl...

  4. OMG Nicky...I am so with you on the safety of the kids. I am very angry to hear about what happened to your son and his friends. But happy that things worked of for the best. I have a 17 year old son that I constantly worry about. He hates the fact that I need to know where he's going when he leaves my home. Even when he is in the neighborhood. All I ask is that you tell me where you are going and text me if you plan to leave that place.

    That police detective was crazy to want you and the boys to come down to the station after such and traumatizing evening. Kudos to the police officer that was nice enough to tell him off. Hands off to the neighbor that did finally open the door to the boys and allow them to use the phone and be procteted while trying to get in touch with family.

    Sometimes it's not just the streets that you have to worry about son was stabbed in the neck at a friends home. I was pissed to know that I let him go where I thought he would be safe and I get phone call while I am out to say "mom? can you come to the emergency room?" heart dropped when he tells me he got stabbed in the neck with a knife by a FRIENDS cousin.

    Question I have now is, is there anything that you and your neighbors can do to try and make is safer for the kids that live their. Neighborhood watch? Getting together with the police to have area patrolled on a regular basis. Car pools with parents in the neighborhood so that the kids don't have to walk home. Just suggestions on my part because I definitely feel you on the safety of children in this day and age.


  5. Nicky I am so sorry that happened to your son. I'm scared all the time. My 10 yo is just getting to that age where he wants to be more independent and I want him to be, but this world is just so damn scary. I just want to move with the Amish people and leave all this crap behind!

  6. That's my baby boy and that really really breaks my heart. I am lifting him up in prayer right this second and asking God to please protect and keep him. Unfortunately there is just no posible way that you can protect your kids all the time nor matter how you try & i knw this is a powerless feeling. This situation could have been sooo much worse and I'm so grateful to God that it wasn't. You've raised a good boy & although he may be naive to the ways of the world...but when it comes down to it he has good judgment. I feel like all we can do is pray. Love Ya so much.

  7. Keeping you all in prayer. I understand your struggle. You want to keep them safe but you just can't baby them or they'll be lost when its time to let them go. Its a shame that more frequently things that we work hard to obtain and to provide our children with are being taken from us and/or our kids because of some jacka@# who doesn't want to work for it, ruined his chances of being able to earn the $ for it, or sadly for the fun it. Its a shame that people are afraid to get involved because of so many horror stories where the good samaritan becomes the victim but more times than not its just not wanting to be involvedits a SIN and a SUNDAY SHAME that an officer of the mo^&er freakin law couldn't get off his or her ass to perform their job duties because unfortunately that probably was a commonplace call and they have become so desensitized, I mean with the latest unsolved murder and all.... Bitches please! I am so pissed right now. I'm ready to grab my louisville slugger and my .357 and knock on a couple knuckleheads doors old fashioned style til I find who I'm lookin for. But what will that solve?! The bottom line is we have so misplaced or values and morals in this country as a whole! Hope baby boy is ok. And I need that Detectives name and badge number. Humph...I got this one. Oh no we ain't letting that ish go!
